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Details /custorder/omc

/custorder/omc - PPP - A1 Customer Data Management (CDM) - [Default template]
PPP INT target endpoint:
PPP E2E/KIT target endpoint:

Response ID Description Request-Include Template Model Content-Type Encoding
DateConvertTest [parse] [view] Simple search for date convert test.
  • POST: searchCustomerOrderByIDRequest
  • POST: CO244224
application/xml utf-8
BasicOrder [parse] [view] Order with only mandatory values
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 1000
  • orderId = 1000
application/xml utf-8
UpdateCustOrder [parse] [view] CustomerOrder update success response.
  • POST: updateRequest
  • POST: O44746
application/xml utf-8
UpdateCustOrderItem [parse] [view] CustomerOrderItem update success response.
  • POST: updateRequest
  • POST: OI44746S1
application/xml utf-8
UpdateCustOrderItemDocLink [parse] [view] CustomerOrderItem update success response.
  • POST: updateRequest
  • POST: 10
application/xml utf-8
UpdateCustOrderFail [parse] [view] CustomerOrder update fail response.
  • POST: updateRequest
  • POST: 44745
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderIndividual [parse] [view] Order with all dependencies and Individual Party
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 2001
  • orderId = 2001
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderIndividualSearchOrderByID [parse] [view] Order with all dependencies and Individual Party
  • POST: searchCustomerOrderByID
  • POST: 2001
  • orderId = 2001
  • partyId = 000000001
application/xml utf-8
OrderIndividualWrongParty [parse] [view] Order with nonexistent party link
  • POST: 2003
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • orderId = 2003
  • partyId = 987654
  • adoId = ADOHW123
application/xml utf-8
OrderInvalidXml [parse] [view] Order with invalid soapxml
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 2004
  • orderId = 2004
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderManyItems [parse] [view] Order with many items for testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 2005
  • orderId = 2005
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
application/xml utf-8
sha_newproduct [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO1696928
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO1696928 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO1696928
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderIndividualSearch [parse] [view] Order with all dependencies and Individual Party
  • POST: searchCustomerOrderByID
  • POST: CO1696928
  • orderId = CO1696928
  • partyId = 106741041
application/xml utf-8
sha_productchange [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO229112
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO229112 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO229112
application/xml utf-8
sha_productchange2 [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO229228
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO229228 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO229228
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderReal1 [parse] [view] Order with all dependencies - data from real WS
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 44745
  • partyId = 000000001
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderReal2 [parse] [view] Order with all dependencies - data from real WS, 2nd sample
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: O44746
  • partyId = 000000002
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderReal3 [parse] [view] Order with all dependencies - data from real WS, 3rd sample
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO212689
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderRealCO6375 [parse] [view] Order with different addresses
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO6375
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO6375 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO6375
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderRealCO65516 [parse] [view] Order for SAP order details.
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO65516
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderRealCO65517 [parse] [view] Order for SAP order details.
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO65517
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO65516 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO65516
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO65517 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO65517
application/xml utf-8
FullOrderRealCO232160 [parse] [view] Order with different addresses
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO232160
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrueCO232160 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: CO232160
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem
  • POST: 10
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue-COI127179S1 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem
  • POST: COI127179S1
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue44745 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem = true for order 44745
  • HEADER: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder/
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 44745
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue44745S1 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem = true for order item 44745S1
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem
  • POST: 44745S1
application/xml utf-8
authorizationFalse [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderItem = false
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 12
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue2001 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 2001
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue2002 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 2002
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue2005 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 2005
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue2100 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 2100
application/xml utf-8
add_remove [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3000
  • orderId = 3000
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/add_remove.vm
application/xml utf-8
move_product [parse] [view] Order for move testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 31111
  • orderId = 31111
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/add_remove.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3000 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3000
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue31111 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 31111
application/xml utf-8
error_match [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3001
  • orderId = 3001
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/error_match.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3001 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3001
application/xml utf-8
error_rounding [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3002
  • orderId = 3002
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/error_rounding.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3002 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3002
application/xml utf-8
error_taxrate_forCharge [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3003
  • orderId = 3003
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/error_taxrate_forCharge.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3003 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3003
application/xml utf-8
notMarking [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3004
  • orderId = 3004
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/notMarking.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3004 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3004
application/xml utf-8
same_discountID [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3005
  • orderId = 3005
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/same_discountID.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3005 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3005
application/xml utf-8
update1 [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3006
  • orderId = 3006
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/update1.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3006 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3006
application/xml utf-8
update2 [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3007
  • orderId = 3007
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/update2.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3007 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3007
application/xml utf-8
update3 [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3008
  • orderId = 3008
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/update3.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3008 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3008
application/xml utf-8
with_groups3009 [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3009
  • orderId = 3009
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/with_groups.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3009 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3009
application/xml utf-8
with_groups3010 [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3010
  • orderId = 3010
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/confused_discount.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3010 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3010
application/xml utf-8
with_groups [parse] [view] Order for price testing
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: 3011
  • orderId = 3011
  • partyId = 000000001
  • adoId = ADOHW123
  • businessInteractionItemInvolvesProducts = /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorder/price_configuration/multivoucher.vm
application/xml utf-8
authorizationTrue3011 [parse] [view] response for getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder = true
  • POST: getAuthorizationModeCustomerOrder
  • POST: 3011
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-10 [parse] [view] Get activity logs for order item 10
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: 10
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI232160S1 [parse] [view] Get activity logs for order item COI232160S1
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI232160S1
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI6375S1 [parse] [view] Get many activity logs
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI6375S1
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI6375S3 [parse] [view] Get many activity logs
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI6375S3
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLog-A12355 [parse] [view] Get activity log
  • POST: getActivityLogRequest
  • POST: A12355
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLog-A12356 [parse] [view] Get activity log
  • POST: getActivityLogRequest
  • POST: A12356
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLog-A12357 [parse] [view] Get activity log
  • POST: getActivityLogRequest
  • POST: A12357
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI65516S1 [parse] [view] Get many activity logs
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI65516S1
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI65516S2 [parse] [view] Get many activity logs
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI65516S2
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI65517S1 [parse] [view] Get many activity logs
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI65517S1
application/xml utf-8
getActivityLogs-COI65517S2 [parse] [view] Get many activity logs
  • POST: getActivityLogsRequest
  • POST: COI65517S2
application/xml utf-8
createManualCustomerOrderActivityLogRequest [parse] [view] Create new activity log for order
  • POST: createManualCustomerOrderActivityLogRequest
application/xml utf-8
createManualCustomerOrderItemActivityLogRequest [parse] [view] Create new activity log for order item
  • POST: createManualCustomerOrderItemActivityLogRequest
application/xml utf-8
getSearchFilterValuesForPointOfSale [parse] [view] Get Search Filter Values for Order Search For PointOfSale
  • POST: getSearchFilterValuesRequest
  • POST: PointOfSale
application/xml utf-8
getSearchFilterValuesForSecondLevelProcessStep [parse] [view] Get Search Filter Values for Order Search For SecondLevelProcessStep
  • POST: getSearchFilterValuesRequest
  • POST: SecondLevelProcessStep
application/xml utf-8
searchCustomerOrderItem [parse] [view] Find for customer order items by search criteria
  • POST: searchCustomerOrderItemRequest
application/xml utf-8
getProductSpecCharacteristicValues [parse] [view] Get Search Filter Values for Order Search For ProductSpecCharacteristic
  • POST: getSearchFilterValuesRequest
  • POST: ProductSpecCharacteristic
application/xml utf-8
getOrderCharacteristicValues [parse] [view] Get Search Filter Values for Order Search For OrderCharacteristic
  • POST: getSearchFilterValuesRequest
  • POST: OrderCharacteristic
application/xml utf-8
getBusinessCaseTypeValues [parse] [view] Get Search Filter Values for Order Search For BusinessCaseType
  • POST: getSearchFilterValuesRequest
  • POST: BusinessCaseType
application/xml utf-8
CO127179_many_items [parse] [view] Order for many items test
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO127179
application/xml utf-8
CO141076_transfer_with_predecessor_party [parse] [view] Transfer Order with Predecessor Party
  • POST: getCustomerOrderRequest
  • POST: CO141076
application/xml utf-8