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Details /doc/ppreg

/doc/ppreg - PPP - Declaration of Consent - Prepaid Registration - [Default template]
PPP INT target endpoint:
PPP E2E/KIT target endpoint:

Response ID Description Request-Include Template Model Content-Type Encoding
default [parse] [view] default positive response
  • POST: getCurrentDeclarationOfConsentForPartyRequest
  • POST: 600000130
application/xml utf-8
defaultGetHistory [parse] [view] default positive response
  • POST: getDeclarationOfConsentHistoryForPartyRequest
application/xml utf-8
defaultGetUpdate [parse] [view] default positive response
  • POST: updateDeclarationOfConsentForPartyRequest
application/xml utf-8
defaultDocPresentedToCustomer [parse] [view] default positive response
  • POST: declarationOfConsentPresentedToCustomerRequest
application/xml utf-8
getActualDeclarationOfConsentDefinition [parse] [view] default positive response
  • POST: getActualDeclarationOfConsentDefinitionRequest
application/xml utf-8