Source /neutral/sample/servicemock/custorderflow/customerOrderWorkflow-10.vm ######################################################################################################################## 1 -1 1 1 planned Step.A fsf sdfsfd sdfsfds Step A asdada sdasd as dasdaasda 123 456789 daassadasdsdsdsddssdsdsdsdsdaadsdas Description for the current Step planned Step.A1 Step A1 Description for the current Step 1 active Step.A2 Step A2 Description for the current Step 2 2 active Step.B Step B sdsdf s df sdfdf d hhhh Description for the current Step completed Step.B1 Step B1 sdsds sdf sddddfsfsds dsdfssfd 111 Description for the current Step 1 hasBusinessError Step.B2 Step B2 sdfsdsf ss sdasd sadasdasdasasadsdadassasasdsssdsdssd asdadasd Description for the current Step 2 sequential 1 hasBusinessError Step.A Step A Description for the current Step planned Step.A1 Step A1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.A2 Step A2 Description for the current Step 2 parallel 2 1 planned Step.D Step D Description for the current Step planned Step.D1 Step D1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.D2 Step D2 Description for the current Step 2 1 active Step.E Step E Description for the current Step planned Step.E1 Step E1 Description for the current Step 1 1 waitingForTechnical Step.F Step F Description for the current Step planned Step.F1 Step F1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.F2 Step F2 Description for the current Step 2 planned Step.F3 Step F3 Description for the current Step 3 1 waitingForBusiness Step.G Step G Description for the current Step planned Step.G1 Step G1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.G2 Step G2 Description for the current Step 2 1 hasBusinessError Step.HH Step H Description for the current Step planned Step.G1 Step G1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.G2 Step G2 Description for the current Step 2 1 completed Step.G Step G Description for the current Step planned Step.G1 Step G1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.G2 Step G2 Description for the current Step 2 1 cancelled Step.G Step G Description for the current Step planned Step.G1 Step G1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.G2 Step G2 Description for the current Step 2 sequential 3 1 planned Step.H Step H Description for the current Step planned Step.H1 Step H1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.H2 Step H2 Description for the current Step 2 planned Step.H3 Step H3 Description for the current Step 3 1 planned Step.I Step I Description for the current Step planned Step.I1 Step I1 Description for the current Step 7 active Step.F2 Step I2 Description for the current Step 6 waitingForTechnical Step.F3 Step I3 Description for the current Step 5 waitingForBusiness Step.F3 Step I4 Description for the current Step 4 hasBusinessError Solvency.Check3 ProcessStep 3 Description for the current Step 3 completed Step.F3 Step I6 Description for the current Step 2 cancelled Step.F3 Step I7 Description for the current Step 1 1 1 1 planned Step.A Step A Description for the current Step planned Step.A1 Step A1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.A2 Step A2 Description for the current Step 2 2 planned Step.B Step B Description for the current Step completed Step.B1 Step B1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.B2 Step B2 Description for the current Step 2 sequential 1 planned Step.A Step A Description for the current Step planned Step.A1 Step A1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.A2 Step A2 Description for the current Step 2 parallel parallel -3 1 planned Step.H Step H Description for the current Step planned Step.H1 Step H1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.H2 Step H2 Description for the current Step 2 planned Step.H3 Step H3 Description for the current Step 3 1 1 1 planned Step.A Step A Description for the current Step planned Step.A1 Step A1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.A2 Step A2 Description for the current Step 2 2 planned Step.B Step B Description for the current Step planned Step.B1 Step B1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.B2 Step B2 Description for the current Step 2 sequential 1 planned Step.A Step A Description for the current Step planned Step.A1 Step A1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.A2 Step A2 Description for the current Step 2 parallel 2 1 planned Step.D Step D Description for the current Step planned Step.D1 Step D1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.D2 Step D2 Description for the current Step 2 1 planned Step.E Step E Description for the current Step planned Step.E1 Step E1 Description for the current Step 1 1 planned Step.F Step F Description for the current Step planned Step.F1 Step F1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.F2 Step F2 Description for the current Step 2 planned Step.F3 Step F3 Description for the current Step 3 sequential 2 1 planned Step.D Step D Description for the current Step planned Step.D1 Step D1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.D2 Step D2 Description for the current Step 2 1 planned Step.E Step E Description for the current Step planned Step.E1 Step E1 Description for the current Step 1 1 planned Step.F Step F Description for the current Step planned Step.F1 Step F1 Description for the current Step 1 planned Step.F2 Step F2 Description for the current Step 2 planned Step.F3 Step F3 Description for the current Step 3 sequential parallel sequential ########################################################################################################################